The Way Assembly
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
Service Times:
Sundays at 10:00 am
Thursday - Youth - 7 pm
Our Values:
God's Word
We believe the whole Bible and believe it is relevant today.
Personal Relationship
We believe that God desires a personal relationship with everyone.
We believe in family values and the importance of the home, marriage, and a Christ-centered family.
World Missions
We believe that everyone around the world needs to hear the Gospel message.
Our Team
Adult, Youth and Children's Ministries
Senior Pastors
Randy and Renee Carlson
Pastor Randy and Renee Carlson have been missionaries for 32 years in the South Pacific where they taught in the Bible schools and pastored an international church. In 2014, God called the Carlsons to start a new church in Pine Island, FL.
Children's Pastors and part of the
Youth Ministry team
Ricky and Cherie Herrera
Ricky and Cherie Herrera have served as missionaries to Tonga since 2004. They felt the Lord leading them to be the children’s pastors at The Way Assembly and have enjoyed their time there. Recently they have been helping the team that works with the Youth Ministry as well. They have four children, Sophia, Isabella, Isaiah and Lilyanna.
Our Story
Pastor Randy and Renee Carlson have been missionaries for 32 years in the South Pacific. They went to Palau, a pioneer field, where no Assembly of God missionaries had ever gone. Many miracles took place there and a church was established.
After three years there they were asked to go to Fiji, where Randy grew up as a missionary boy. Much of that time was spent traveling to the villages. Renee was very involved in children’s ministry and music ministry for the country.
In 2000 the Carlsons were asked to go to Tonga. They pastored International Christian Assembly of God or ICA in Tonga. Many have been saved, healed, and 42 have been filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the months just before they left. They had a weekly television show called “ICA Today.” While in Tonga they were able to build seventeen new buildings at the Assembly of God Bible School. Randy and Renee were both professors at the college. Renee was very involved in Children’s ministries as well music ministry. Randy built five boats to start churches in the remote islands of Tonga.
God began to speak to Randy and Renee about transitioning back to America to plant a brand new church in Southwest Florida. As they continued to pray God clearly spoke to them to leave the islands after many years and go to a place where there had never been an Assembly of God work. God miraculously provided a piece of land with a small church already on the property. After being so many years on islands its not surprising they end up in Bokeelia, Pine Island.
Our Beliefs
We are an Assembly of God church, we believe the 16 fundamental truths of the Assembly of God:
- The scriptures are inspired
- The one true God
- The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The fall of man
- The salvation of man
- The ordinances of the Church
- The baptism in the Holy Ghost
- Sanctification
- The Church and its mission
- The ministry
- Divine healing
- The blessed hope
- The millennial reign of Christ
- The final judgment
- The new heavens and the new Earth
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Blog Posts
Pastor Randy
The Name "Christian" - post
The name “Christian” was given to followers of Christ by unbelievers when they saw that they were behaving just like Christ. Isn’t that how it should be? That the world sees something in us that they can only identify as being “just like Christ.” The Christian life is truly a Divine life, the very life of Christ being lived in those who follow Him. As Paul said in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.” The test of Christianity is one of control. Do I control my life or does Christ? The fruit of Christianity is the essence of God. God is love. Does my life bear this fruit of Divine love, or is it some other thing I may produce? Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Fake love is always full of holes. Only His Divine love can pass this test. So what will it be? Your life or His? Who is in control? You or Him? May we gladly surrender the control and by love’s choice live, “This life in the flesh by faith in the Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me.” And may the world call us
Christmas - post
The name "Christmas" came from the Catholic name “Christ’s Mass” for the mass held in honor of the birthday of Christ. Of course, a mass is a participation of Holy Communion which is done to remember the Lord’s death. So even in the celebrations of Christ’s birth we can never forget His purpose in coming in human form – to give His life as a ransom to set us free from those impossible chains of sin for all who will but believe, receive, and obey. Yes, like the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus, may we too delight in giving gifts in His name. Not in wild revelry but in thoughtful joy as we ponder on His magnificent gift of Himself for us.
Knowing God - post
The more you get to know God, the more you love Him, His ways, and everything about Him. He is not a mystery. He wants to be known and understood. It is only our own sin that blinds us and clouds our understanding of Him. He gives us His Word to show us Himself and how we should live our lives. He just wants us to do the right thing, to have a heart that loves to be kind, and to live with a constant gratefulness of the undeserved favor He showers on us. Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Upcoming events at the Way
Ladies Tea
We had a wonderful time with the ladies and girls at the Way's Christmas Tea!
Where are We Located?
We are located on Pine Island in Bokeelia, FL
5990 Cubles Dr.
Bokeelia, FL 33922Services Sunday mornings
10:30 am239-785-8182Connect With Us
Send us an email, give us a call, or connect with us on Facebook for our latest videos and posts

The Way Assembly © 2021